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Sep 2020

By Louise Savoie | 18778 Comments | Rebuilding Trust, 

Rebuilding Trust and Relationships After Your Rehab

Drug and alcohol use disorder can make you do a lot of things that you’ll regret doing. Often, because of these actions, you break the trust once given to you by your loved ones. And once you find yourself thinking…

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Aug 2020

By Louise Savoie | 14036 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

Breaking Free from the Cycle of Shame and Addiction

The effects of shame on addiction are often ill-addressed when talking about alcohol addiction treatment. However, powerful feelings of shame are huge barriers to successful addiction recovery. So, how do you break free from the cycle of shame and addiction?…

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Jul 2020

By Louise Savoie | 2538 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

Staying Positive Amid Difficult Times

The pandemic has left all of us feeling anxious and overwhelmed. While cities have started easing up their lockdown policies, other troubling issues have cropped up, thus adding to the stress and uncertainty of the whole situation. For those struggling…

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Jun 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 2528 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

Sleep and Drug Addiction: What is The Relationship?

The relationship between sleep and drug addiction is bidirectional. So, what does this mean? Drugs and alcohol can cause sleep problems. Also, insomnia (inability to sleep) may increase the risk of drug addiction. This risk causes some people to self-medicate…

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Jun 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 2720 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

4 Helpful Opioid Addiction Medications You Should Know

  Addiction is a complex brain disease. There is no single way to treat this disorder. Even though traditional 12-Steps programs work, they, however, do not work for everyone. As such, it is essential to consider other modalities of treatment.…

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Jun 2020

By Louise Savoie | 2779 Comments | Drugs and Alcohol, 

Help Your Loved One Overcome Addiction

  There’s no clear-cut alcohol addiction treatment. For it to be successful, it requires a comprehensive treatment that is designed specifically for the individual. But regardless of the severity of their alcoholism, the involvement of family members in the treatment is…

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Jun 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 103 Comments |

Alcohol and Sleep: Effects and Treatment

  Sleep problems (insomnia) are common with short and long-term use of drugs and alcohol. Nearly 70% of patients admitted for detoxification report sleep issues. 80% of those who report sleep problems relate them to their substance use. The relationship…

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May 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 111 Comments | Addiction Treatment, Drugs and Alcohol, 

What You Need To Know About Drug Addiction Treatment

Dependence on drugs and alcohol remains a struggle for many. As such, there is always the question of how best to treat this condition. There are many ongoing studies focused on addiction treatment. The many researches in this field should…

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May 2020

By Louise Savoie | 2834 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

You May Be Affected by Secondhand Drinking

  Secondhand drinking refers to the impacts on an individual brought about by someone’s drinking behaviors. While it’s a term that’s not known to many, unlike secondhand smoking, that doesn’t mean it’s not a cause of concern. Especially as it…

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May 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 112 Comments | Drugs and Alcohol, Mental Illness, 

OCD and Drug Addiction: What Is The Relationship?

  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental illness involving recurrent, unwanted thoughts, or actions. In many cases, it is a combination of both.  What is the relationship between OCD and drug addiction? On occasion, many of us have obsessive thoughts…

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