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Jun 2019

By Efosa Airuehia | 2339 Comments | Drugs and Alcohol, 

Street Names Of Drugs: How Many Do You Know?

Street Names Of Drugs: How Many Do You Know? Do you know most of the street names for all the drugs out there? No one does! There are way too many drugs, and the slang names evolve quite…

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Jun 2019

By Efosa Airuehia | 2205 Comments | Addiction Treatment, Drugs and Alcohol, 

18 Things You Need to Know About Tramadol (Ultram)

18 Things You Need to Know About Tramadol (Ultram) Have you heard of Tramadol? You likely have. Tramadol is an opioid medication used to treat moderate to severe pain. The benefits of this medication are well known. Perhaps,…

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Jun 2019

By Efosa Airuehia | 3545 Comments | Drugs and Alcohol, 

Purple Heroin: What you need to know.

Purple heroin is a combination of heroin and carfentanil or fentanyl. This mixture is relatively new on the drug scene. Unfortunately, there have been complications and even death from using this substance. Fentanyl is a powerful drug. Did…

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Jun 2019

By Efosa Airuehia | 2871 Comments | Drugs and Alcohol, 

Kratom: What in the world is this?

Kratom is a herb that has received a lot of attention lately. Though there is a growing awareness of this drug, it remains a bit of a mystery for many. Some individuals swear by its beneficial effects. Unfortunately,…

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