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Aug 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 14036 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

Breaking Free from the Cycle of Shame and Addiction

The effects of shame on addiction are often ill-addressed when talking about alcohol addiction treatment. However, powerful feelings of shame are huge barriers to successful addiction recovery. So, how do you break free from the cycle of shame…

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Jul 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 2538 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

Staying Positive Amid Difficult Times

The pandemic has left all of us feeling anxious and overwhelmed. While cities have started easing up their lockdown policies, other troubling issues have cropped up, thus adding to the stress and uncertainty of the whole situation. For…

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Jun 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 2528 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

Sleep and Drug Addiction: What is The Relationship?

The relationship between sleep and drug addiction is bidirectional. So, what does this mean? Drugs and alcohol can cause sleep problems. Also, insomnia (inability to sleep) may increase the risk of drug addiction. This risk causes some people…

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Jun 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 2720 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

4 Helpful Opioid Addiction Medications You Should Know

  Addiction is a complex brain disease. There is no single way to treat this disorder. Even though traditional 12-Steps programs work, they, however, do not work for everyone. As such, it is essential to consider other modalities…

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May 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 111 Comments | Addiction Treatment, Drugs and Alcohol, 

What You Need To Know About Drug Addiction Treatment

Dependence on drugs and alcohol remains a struggle for many. As such, there is always the question of how best to treat this condition. There are many ongoing studies focused on addiction treatment. The many researches in this…

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May 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 2834 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

You May Be Affected by Secondhand Drinking

  Secondhand drinking refers to the impacts on an individual brought about by someone’s drinking behaviors. While it’s a term that’s not known to many, unlike secondhand smoking, that doesn’t mean it’s not a cause of concern. Especially…

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Apr 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 1366 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

6 Ways to Maintain Your Sobriety During The Coronavirus Pandemic

The world has almost come to a halt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects of this disease are widespread and shocking. It spans many facets of life. Maintaining sobriety during the coronavirus pandemic is one of such.…

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Apr 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 1410 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

Why Telehealth For Addiction Treatment is the New Normal

Utilizing telehealth for addiction treatment is not a new trend. It is, however, not as widespread as it should be, considering the ongoing addiction crisis. The opioid epidemic remains a public health issue in the United States. It…

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Mar 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 11 Comments | Addiction Treatment, 

Coronavirus and Drug Addiction: What You Need To Know

Coronavirus and drug addiction. What are your chances of having a more severe COVID-19 infection if you have an addiction to drugs and alcohol? Until a few weeks ago, there was little or no concern about a possible…

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Mar 2020

By Efosa Airuehia | 2377 Comments | Addiction Treatment, Drugs and Alcohol, 

Can Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin) Help With Alcohol Addiction?

Greg did not fit the public stereotype for alcohol dependence. A 42-year old functioning banking executive, who never blacked out or showed fits of rage. He did not struggle at work, and his home was never strewn with…

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